In de Maranatha kerk worden wekelijks diverse bijeenkomsten georganiseerd

Called to Freedom - Day of Spiritual Exercises

Date: Time: 09:30 Location: University church Maranatha, Professor Cobbenhagenlaan 19

Our body needs exercises, but our spirit, too!

At the beginning of Lent, Tilburg University Chaplaincy proposes one-day intensive Spiritual Exercises for university students and young workers.
This year's theme is: Called to Freedom.

The Exercises will be held in English.

Contribution (including 2 meals): € 15 (BA/MA students) / € 20 (others)

Register by 19 February:
report your presence in our MijnRKK app OR by sending an e-mail to;
2. complete your registration by transferring € 15 (BA/MA students) or € 20 (others) by 19 February, to IBAN NL76RABO0354297589, stating "25FEB23 [your name] [your surname]".